

Meet Olympic Snowboarder and Lesbian Mom Cheryl Maas

The Winter Olympics start this Thursday, and—proving once again that queer parents can do anything—there’s a queer parent competing: Dutch snowboarder and three-time Olympian Cheryl Maas. Read on to learn more about her.

Martina Navratilova and Julia Lemigova

Martina Navratilova and Her Stepchildren

Tennis legend Martina Navratilova married her partner Julia Lemigova several weeks ago. Only a few media outlets that covered their wedding noted Lemigova’s two daughters from a previous relationship, Navratilova’s stepchildren. Let’s take a look.

Watching the Olympics as a Lesbian Mom

I love the Olympics. I was a varsity fencer in college and have done serious stints with a few other sports. I love the life lessons sports teach, including dedication, leadership, teamwork, and dealing with both success and failure — all values I’d like to convey to my son. I get choked up during recap montages and medal ceremonies. Normally, then, the start of the Olympics is a time of celebration around my house. And then there’s Sochi.

Croatian Lesbians Sing For Sochi

Le Zbor, the first lesbian and feminist choir in southeastern Europe, has created a charming video “expressing its solidarity with the LGBT citizens of Russia and worldwide.” Watch the Croatian singers here:

Meet Another Russian-Born Lesbian Mom Fighting for LGBT Russians

Yelena Goltsman is founder and co-president of RUSA LGBT, the association for Russian-speaking LGBT people in the U.S., and a leading voice speaking out for LGBT Russians. She didn’t plan to be an LGBT activist, though — and in fact came to the U.S. in 1990 because of anti-Jewish, not anti-LGBT, persecution, when she was still married to a man.

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