Assisted Reproduction

Mommy Man: It Takes a Village to Create a Child

Jerry Mahoney’s “Mommy Man: How I Went from Mild-Mannered Geek to Gay Superdad,” is a wonderful addition to the growing genre of LGBT parenting memoirs, not only because of its sharp writing and smart humor, but because it shows us an aspect of LGBT parenting we haven’t seen in a book-length memoir before—two men pursuing parenthood through gestational surrogacy.

From Coast to Coast, Changing Laws to Protect Our Families

A new law in Washington, D.C. is drawing lesbian couples from other jurisdictions to give birth there — and a bill making its way through the California legislature could simplify the paperwork and clarify parenting arrangements for same-sex couples in that state.

New Study Aims to Shed Light on Donor Families

Many people, LGBTQ and not, have used donor eggs, sperm, or embryos to create their families. I did. A new study by a researcher I have admired for years seeks to understand the experiences of these families — and if you’re part of one, she needs your help.

Melissa Harris-Perry Credits Gay Dads for Her Path to Parenthood Via Surrogacy

MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry had her second child on Valentine’s Day last week — surprising many viewers of her show because she wasn’t “visibly pregnant.” She gave birth to her first child in 2002, but had her uterus removed in 2008 after suffering from uterine fibroids. She credits “a dear friend and his husband,” who had their child by surrogacy, for suggesting that she do the same.

How to Contact Your Sperm Donor

If you created your family like I did, using an unknown sperm donor, what do you do if your child one day says she or he wants to contact him? The authors of a new book for donor-conceived people and their families offer some helpful hints.

Egg and sperm

Needles, New Jersey, and New Families

There’s a recent AP news story going around about a “new twist” on baby making for two-mom couples. Thing is, it’s not so new — it’s the method my spouse and I used 11 years ago to start our family, with her carrying an embryo made from my egg and donor sperm. It seemed doubly appropriate to mention it again today because we started our family in New Jersey — and as of yesterday, same-sex couples in New Jersey can legally wed. We’re happy to be celebrating as former New Jerseyans.

Egg and sperm

A Loss for Parents LGBT and Not: IVF Pioneer Robert Edwards Dies

Robert Edwards, one of the pioneers of in vitro fertilization—the procedure to which my spouse Helen and I owe our child—has died at the age of 87. I learned of his death via a lovely eulogic article by Elizabeth Comeau, the first “test-tube baby” born in the United States (in 1981). (Louise Brown of the U.K. was the first in the world, born in 1978.)

“Science Led to Gay Families”? Not Exactly

An article for CNN yesterday ran the headline “Science led to gay families: Law should follow.” I’m the last person to argue that our families shouldn’t have equal legal rights—but the headline is overstating science’s role and inadvertently perpetuating a dangerous myth about same-sex parents. The article’s author, Debora L. Spar, is president of Barnard

Lego Lesbians and a Cryo Tank

One in an occasional series of Lego lesbian mom tableaus. Have a funny cryo tank story? (I know some of you do.) Leave a comment or a link to your post about it!

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