Search Results for: write for equality

Marriage and Semantics: More on the New Jersey Decision

I’m left with very mixed feelings about the New Jersey marriage ruling. On the one hand, the ruling means definite progress and protections for same-sex couples in New Jersey. As Pam of Pam’s House Blend writes: The judges in this case may have split hairs over the word “marriage,” but in doing so provide a […]

House FMA Vote Is Today

A quick alert that the House vote on the Federal Marriage Amendment is today. The Senate voted a month ago not to proceed with a full vote on the amendment, effectively killing it. This means the House vote is purely for political posturing. Given the recent state-level setbacks, though, a defeat of the FMA in

Weekly Political Update

A busy week in the LGBT political arena: Five straight couples in Arizona are suing to block the state’s proposed ban on same-sex marriage, saying the bill would invalidate their domestic partnerships as well. They’re using the same argument that marriage-equality supporters in Georgia used unsuccessfully a few weeks ago, claiming that the bill violates

Words from Our Allies

Many straight allies submitted entries to Blogging for LGBT Families Day, proving once again that LGBT rights is not merely an interest-group issue. (Unless, of course, you count all those in favor of equality an interest group.) Here are some extracts: “I am a heterosexual, ten-years-married mother of two who cannot understand how anyone’s loving,

The Activist Parent

For me, one of the great pleasures from Blogging for LGBT Families Day has been reading posts that make me think. Matt over at The Q-Triad Blog wrote something that seems particularly appropriate today, as all the major (and many minor) American LGBT Web sites are urging us to contact our senators and stop the

Blogging for LGBT Families Day – Participating Blogs

It’s here! Today is Blogging for LGBT Families Day, a day to raise awareness about LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) families. Why June 1st? This date falls exactly between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. As such, it honors mothers and fathers equally, but also conveys that not all families fit into the traditional structure

Blogging for LGBT Families Day 2006

If you’re looking for information about the 2007 Blogging for LGBT Families Day, please click here. UPDATE, June 1, 2006: The list of participating blogs is here. I’m declaring June 1, 2006 Blogging for LGBT Families Day, a day to raise awareness about LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) families. I want to invite you

Politics and Programming

I’ve been doing a bit of redesign on this site lately, as you may notice if you’re not using a feedreader. At this point, I’m just cleaning up a few odds and ends. I’d hoped to do a more extensive overhaul, but have run into some of the dreaded browser-compatibility problems that plague all Web

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