
Hope and Disappointment

Barack Obama has made history. I am thrilled beyond belief at this. He will be the first president my son remembers, and I can think of no better. And yet . . . . Marriage of same-sex couples is now not only illegal but unconstitutional in Arizona and Florida. Same-sex couples can no longer adopt […]

LGBT Parents Win Big in Arkansas

Hot off the presses: The good news keeps rolling in this week: The Arkansas Blog (from the Arkansas Times) reports that the state Department of Human Services will drop its rule that prohibits placement of foster children in homes with unmarried couples (and by definition, same-sex couples). “Instead, it will decide placement on a case

Weekly Political Update

The U.S. House approved repeal of a law barring HIV-positive visitors and immigrants to the country. It now goes to the President. The Personnel Subcommittee of the U.S. House Armed Services Committee heard testimony for and against the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. SLDN executive director Aubrey Sarvis notes the irony that this was

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