banned books week

Kids' silhouette in front of books

Banned Books Week: It’s Not Just About the Books

This week marks Banned Books Week, the American Library Association’s (ALA’s) annual event celebrating of “the freedom to read” and drawing attention to the “harms of censorship.” With record numbers of bans across the country, the need for such awareness is greater than ever. But I’m also here to remind us: It’s about more than just the books.

Renewing the Fight Against Book Banning

This week marks Banned Books Week, the American Library Association’s (ALA’s) annual celebration of the freedom to read—but this year feels more like a call to action than a celebration. Book bans and other attempts at censorship, largely targeting the LGBTQ and other marginalized communities, are raging across the country. Here’s what’s happening, how others are fighting back, and how you can help.

Banned Books Week 2021

5 Ways to Celebrate Banned Books Week 2021

It’s Banned Books Week, the annual event celebrating the freedom to read! LGBTQ-inclusive children’s books are among those most frequently banned, along with books that have themes of race and racial justice. Here are five things you can do now to celebrate and support banned books.

Banned Books Week 2019

5 Ways to Support LGBTQ-Inclusive Kids’ Books and Banned Books Week

This week is Banned Books Week, the annual event from the American Library Association (ALA) honoring the freedom to read! Half of the books in the ALA’s latest Top Ten Most Challenged Books list are there because someone objected to their LGBTQ content—underscoring how much work is yet to be done on the path to equity and justice. Here are some ways you can support Banned Books Week and the authors behind books that have faced challenges!

Banned Books Week 2017

Banned Books Week Highlights LGBTQ-Inclusive Kids’ Books

Once again, it’s Banned Books Week, the annual event from the American Library Association (ALA) that “draws national attention to the harms of censorship.” As in most previous recent years, the ALA’s Top Ten Most Frequently Challenged Books list is once again full of children’s books with LGBTQ content—so go read some banned books with your kids today.

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