

GLAAD Honors Children’s Media, Bloggers, in Media Awards

As a GLAAD Media Award winner (Outstanding Blog, 2012), I’m always excited to see the new crop of nominees. This year includes not only a number of terrific bloggers, but also a brand-new Outstanding Kids & Family Programming category—which speaks volumes just by its existence.


Goodbye and Thank You to AfterEllen

AfterEllen, “the pop culture site that plays for your team,” will be shutting down this Friday after 14 years. I am deeply saddened.


Summer Slowdown

The awesome ruling for marriage equality came, as it happens, just as my son is finishing the school year. I’m going to focus for the next while, then, on a few pieces related to marriage, but will scale back posting frequency a bit to spend time with the person I’m actually married to and our son.

We’ve Redecorated!

Blogs are like children–sometimes they need a new set of clothes. Mombian is sporting a new look today, fresh and mobile-ready!

Happy Blogaversary to Mombian

Four years ago today, I published my first Mombian post. It’s been a longer and more fun journey than I ever could have imagined, thanks to all of you who have stopped by to read, comment, and in many cases, become friends. My vision for the site then was to offer news, analysis, and resources

Taking a Short Break

I’m taking a short blogging break this week, so posts will be light. I have a few things set to publish automatically (so do stop by), but I will likely not be doing much in terms of breaking news. (This means, of course, that the California marriage decision will likely happen this week, because that’s

50 Bloggers Walk Into a Room . . .

I spent the weekend, as some of you know, at the National LGBT Blogger and Citizen Journalist Initiative Summit (NLGBTBCJIS?) It was an amazing weekend, the best part of which was meeting many of the bloggers I knew only by name and reputation. The Bilerico gang, including co-owners Bil and Jerame, Pam Spaulding of Pam’s

Off to Blogger Initiative in DC

I’m off to DC this weekend for the LGBT Bloggers & Citizen Journalist Initiative. Mike Rogers is organizing it and kindly invited me to attend. I’ll also be speaking on a panel about group and event blogging, having managed one or two blogging events in my time. I’m looking forward to meeting a lot of

BlogHer Boston Bonanza

I had a bloggeriffic time Saturday at the BlogHer Boston conference. The best part was networking with other women bloggers, some of whom had backgrounds very different from my own. I even went to a session on food blogging just for the heck of it. (I actually have a secret desire to be a food

Going to BlogHer Boston?

If you’re going to be at the BlogHer Boston conference this Saturday, please drop me a note so we can say hi! I’ll be on the Closing Keynote panel, “Change Your Future; Change the World,” but should be around the rest of the day as well. Here’s what we’ll be discussing on our panel: Blogging

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