Taking a Short Break

I’m taking a short blogging break this week, so posts will be light. I have a few things set to publish automatically (so do stop by), but I will likely not be doing much in terms of breaking news. (This means, of course, that the California marriage decision will likely happen this week, because that’s just the way these things usually work, isn’t it?) Comment moderation will be slow, although if you’ve left an approved comment before, it should be posted right away, WordPress gods willing.

Thanks! See you next week!

3 thoughts on “Taking a Short Break”

  1. Have a good break! Just popping by with a comment, because while I was baffled by the week or so of Dr. Laura ads, I’m utterly mystified as to the ad today by NOM on this blog. Not your fault of course, but kind of makes me angry, assuming that they’re looking for lgbt sites to spread their hatred (assuming that they tell google what kind of sites they want to target with their ads).

  2. Oh, ugh. I’m guessing NOM bought AdSense keywords like “gay” and lesbian.” I’ll see if I can get them to appear when I view Mombian myself. What I really need is the URL that shows in the ad. That way I can put them on my blacklist so they don’t appear. If you see any more, and could leave me the URLs in your comments, that would make it quicker for me to block them. Thanks for letting me know!

    Again, I in no way condone NOM or similar organizations.

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