
Egg and sperm

Big Advances in California Assisted Reproduction Laws

California Governor Jerry Brown yesterday signed a bill that updates assisted reproduction laws in ways that will help same- and different-sex couples as well as single parents to create and protect their families.

California Same-Sex Parents Talk About Supreme Court Rulings

As we head into the end of a milestone week for LGBT equality, please enjoy this short video of three California same-sex families, including two dads (with their daughter) and two moms, talking about what this week’s Supreme Court rulings on marriage mean to them.

Help Improve Programs for LGBTQ Families

Our Family Coalition, the San Francisco Bay Area organization for LGBTQ families, is looking to improve their already great programming and advocacy initiatives. They’re asking people to take a short survey (with raffle prizes!) to help them determine the direction of their programs. The survey seems to make the most sense for folks in the Bay

Support Access to Fertility Services for Lesbian Moms

MeiBeck “Chino” and Maya Scott-Chung are lesbian moms raising a seven-year-old daughter. When they wanted to add another child to their family, but had trouble conceiving, they discovered that the only way they could get access to assisted reproductive services was to pretend that one of them was in a heterosexual relationship with their known donor (whom they had used to conceive their daughter).

North Carolina Ad Shows Harm Marriage Inequality Does to Children

Marriage inequality harms children. Obvious to most readers here, I imagine—but the right-wing has long owned the “best interests of the children” argument in advertising and media. Now, however, one LGBT advocacy coalition is taking back that argument, in hopes of defeating yet another state constitutional ban on marriage for same-sex couples, this time Amendment One in North Carolina. See their new ad after the jump.

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