gender expression

Baby shoes with pink, purple, blue gradient

New Study Looks at LGBTQ+ Parents’ Parenting Practices Around Gender

LGBTQ parents do not “make” our kids LGBTQ, but research has shown we may be more flexible than cisgender, straight parents about kids’ gender socialization. A new study finds, however, that some LGBTQ parents still feel invested in children’s gender conformity, feeling tension between supporting their children and protecting them from external harm.

Suit and tie. Photo: Markus Spiske via Unsplash.

Gender and Role Models: One Queer Parent’s Perspective

A number of years ago, a mainstream journalist asked me, “Are you worried about providing male role models for your son?” Here’s the piece I wrote about my answer, which I’m pulling from the archives and freshening up a bit.

The Gender Identity Guide for Parents

“The Gender Identity Guide for Parents” Offers Advice for ALL Parents

A thoughtful and practical new guide is intended to help all parents understand gender identity and expression, have healthy conversations with their children about gender, and create an affirming environment, whether their children are transgender, cisgender, nonbinary, gender expansive, or questioning.

RuPaul Biographies for Tots to Tweens!

The inimitable RuPaul is now the subject of several children’s biographies, aimed at the littlest tots through tweens. Sashay over and check them out!

My Shadow Is Pink - Scott Stuart

“My Shadow Is Pink” Shows the Love of a Dad

A young child, assigned male at birth but whose “shadow is pink,” finds acceptance and love from his burly, masculine, blue-shadowed dad in a new picture book inspired by the author and his child’s real-life story.

Carlos the Fairy Boy - Carlos, El Niño Hada

“Carlos, the Fairy Boy” Finds His Wings in New Picture Book

I think we could all use some joy right now, so here’s a look at a brand-new, bilingual, #OwnVoices picture book about a boy learning about his cultural traditions in Panama while he gets support from his abuela to follow his fairy boy dreams.

Julian at the Wedding - Jessica Love

Julián Is Back in Joyous New Picture Book

Julián is back! In the sequel to the acclaimed 2019 picture book, Julián Is a Mermaid, Julián and his abuela are attending a wedding, where Julián meets a new friend and shows that he’s still full of imagination and a creative sense of style.

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