gender identity

The Gender Identity Guide for Parents

“The Gender Identity Guide for Parents” Offers Advice for ALL Parents

A thoughtful and practical new guide is intended to help all parents understand gender identity and expression, have healthy conversations with their children about gender, and create an affirming environment, whether their children are transgender, cisgender, nonbinary, gender expansive, or questioning.

Calvin - JR and Vanessa Ford

“This Is the Way It Should Be”: Picture Book Offers a Vision of Trans Inclusion and Support

Calvin is a gentle first-person picture book about a transgender boy who transitions with the love and support of his family, teachers, and friends. Vanessa Ford, who co-authored the book with her husband JR, said in an interview that the book “shows the necessity of having a community around trans youth, that when one child transitions, others transition alongside that child, and that it takes a community to ensure that they are safe and protected.”

Picture books about gender identity and expression

More New Picture Books on Gender Identity and Expression

Coming out this week and next are two picture books featuring transgender girls (one told from her sibling’s perspective), one about a kid whose mom is a transgender man, and one about a boy who wants to dance ballet!

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