
A Plan for Pops

Don’t Miss This Picture Book Featuring a Child and Their Queer Grandfathers

Sometimes a picture book knocks everything out of the park. Evocative prose, whimsical illustrations, a sweet storyline that deals with sensitive topics by applying a big dose of family love—plus a gender ambiguous protagonist with two grandfathers who are a couple. I almost missed this book because the grandfathers’ relationship is so seamlessly woven into the story that the cataloging information has no indication there are LGBTQ characters. This is one picture book that shouldn’t be skipped, however.

Post of the Week: “Macy Has Two Grandmothers”

This lovely post from Coming Out At Midlife was submitted as part of Blogging for LGBT Families Day. It reminds me that LGBT families are more than just parent(s) and kid(s); they are grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins; grandchildren, nieces, and nephews.

Grandparents Speak Up for Marriage Equality

Washington State residents John and Dorothy Reitan, who have two gay grandsons, speak up on behalf of marriage equality in this charming video. The Reitans should know a thing or two about marriage, having been married for 70 years. John Reitan is also a pastor and World War II Navy veteran.

Washington Governor Chris Gregoire (D) signed marriage equality into law February 13, 2012, but opponents are trying to prevent it from going into effect in June by forcing it to a referendum in November.

If more families felt like the Reitans, we wouldn’t need to worry.

Gay Dads Become Joyous Grandpas

These two dads react with surprise and elation when they find out they’re going to be grandpas. Some things are universal. (Thanks, Family Equality Council!)

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Just a few stories this week, but no need to wait: Personal Stories Sandy Boucher writes at Salon of not having kids, then becoming an unexpected grandma by virtue of partnering with a woman who was already a grandmother. West Philly Mama discusses her partner’s decision to go by “dad” rather than “mom.” Politics and

Grandparents for Equality

Liberal grassroots group Truth and Hope created this video as part of a study about the effects of targeted marriage equality advertisements on a group of voters. You can read the Advocate post about the project to find out what both Democrats and Republicans thought—but before you do, take a minute to watch the video.

Gay Grandfather and Gay Grandson Talk with NPR

As part of NPR’s StoryCorps, a project recording conversations between loved ones, Morning Edition’s Renee Montagne spoke with Tony Perri and his 20-year-old grandson Jeffrey. Tony came out as gay after being married to Jeffrey’s grandmother for 12 years. They remained married for another five. In the piece, he talks about confessing to a priest

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