guest post

Guest Post: Lesbian Parenting in Argentina

Julieta Bonazza and Analía Puntillo of In Tristitia Hilaris, In Hilaritate Tristis and Florencia Gemetro and Gabriela Bacin of Maternidades Lesbicas were kind enough to write a guest post for Mombian about lesbian parenting in Argentina. ¡Muchas gracias! Many thanks! Becoming parents as a project for lesbian couples is relatively new in Argentina. Our families […]

Domestic Partnering in the New Year

I’m bringing you a guest post today by Beren DeMotier, author of The Brides of March, a memoir of the brief period of legal marriage for same-sex couples in Multnomah County, Oregon. (I reviewed it in June.) Her piece below continues the tale as she ponders the upcoming legalization of domestic partnerships in the Beaver

All of Us, Every One of Us

I’m posting below (with permission) an op-ed by Matt Foreman, Executive Director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. In it, he brings us up to date with what NGLTF has been doing to push for a version of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) that includes protections for gender identity and expression. Not all

Guest Post: Checking Assumptions

A second guest post by Mary W. Foulk, a writer, new mom, and lesbian film critic, whose work has appeared at Lesbian Life, among other places. Last Sunday, Alyson and I attended a friend’s birthday party. Prior to the event, I found myself really anxious about going. My concern—that we would be the only gay

Guest Post: Middle School Reality

Another guest post today by Sara Whitman of Suburban Lesbian Housewife. I talk a lot about toddlers and preschool-age children, because that’s where my personal experience is. Sara reminds us, however, that the challenges of parenting change, but don’t ease, as our children grow older. My son Ben came home today and told me he

Guest Post: Eight Family-Friendly Haulers, Part II

Yesterday, Joe Tralongo of offered the first half of a guest post on family-friendly and gay-friendly haulin’ vehicles. Not everyone wants the same thing in a car, as was clear from comments on the post, but I hope these reviews will give you some sense of what’s on offer if you are in search

Guest Post: Eight Family-Friendly Haulers, Part I

Thanks to, “the Gay-Friendly Automotive Resource,” for today’s special guest post, first of a two-part series. Gaywheels’ Joe Tralongo has put together for Mombian a list of family-friendly—and gay-friendly—vehicles worth checking out if you’re in the market for a new ride for yourself and your clan. If, however, you’re having a midlife crisis and

Logging Off: Guest Post by Mary W. Foulk

I’m pleased to publish a guest post by Mary W. Foulk, a writer, new mom, and lesbian film critic. whose work has appeared at Lesbian Life, among other places. Today, she reminds all of us techno-geeks and bloggers that it’s important to unplug once in a while. I recently attended InVerge 2007: an interactive convergence

Guest Post: There is a Summer Camp for Everyone

(I’m very pleased to bring you this guest post by writer and mom Sara Whitman, who has graciously agreed to let me crosspost some of her work. This piece originally appeared in the Huffington Post. Thanks, Sara!)

Guest Post: Taking Time for YOU

Today’s guest post comes from Paula Gregorowicz of The Paula G Company. As a life coach, her goal is to help each of her clients “design a successful life that works without the burnout and compromise.” This sounded like advice that would benefit moms (and thus our children), and so I asked if she would

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