
Adidas reveals OCEAUNZ, the Official Match Ball of the FIFA Women’s World Cup Australia and New Zealand 2023™

Meet the Queer Moms in the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup

The 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup kicks off July 20, with a record number of queer players—and there are moms (and moms-to-be) among them! Let’s learn a little about them and see photos of their families!

"To bring a baby into the world in a queer relationship is the best feeling ever. I feel like we’ll be able to love and appreciate each other, and my daughter will be able to grow up knowing that she’ll always be loved and accepted for whoever she is. And I think that’s a really important thing for her to be around." -- Logan Brown, in Glamour UK

Glamour UK Pride Issue Features Pregnant Trans Man Logan Brown

Glamour UK’s Pride cover features transgender man Logan Brown, who was pregnant at the time and is now a dad. He spoke with them about his experience of pregnancy, birth, and being a trans parent. Click through to see the cover image and learn more.


Pennsylvania Court Denies Nonbio Mom Parentage

A Pennsylvania court has denied a nonbiological mother parental rights to the child she and her former spouse, the biological mother, had planned and created together. It is the second recent case in the U.S. to do so.

Baby hand

Oklahoma Grants Parentage to Sperm Donor Over Nonbiological Mom

In a case with horrible implications for LGBTQ families, an Oklahoma judge has ruled that a married, nonbiological mom has no parental rights to the child she and her wife created and were raising together, but the couple’s sperm donor does. Here’s what happened, and what other same-sex couples need to do to protect their own families.

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