
Chris Strickland. Photo credit: Lambda Legal

Mississippi Supreme Court Rules for Nonbiological Mom

Let’s end this week on a good note! The Mississippi Supreme Court ruled yesterday that a nonbiological mother has the same rights as a biological one, overturning a lower court ruling that had given parental rights to her child’s anonymous sperm donor instead.


Why You Still Need to Do a Second-Parent Adoption

I’ve written many times before about why second-parent adoptions are still a good idea, even if you are married and both parents are on the child’s birth certificate. Another case in the news this past week reminds us why.


Mom Moves Mississippi on Marriage

A federal judge has ruled that Mississippi’s new law allowing clerks to refuse to issue marriage licenses because of their religious beliefs violates the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on marriage equality. The winning lawyer is Roberta Kaplan, who represented Edie Windsor in her historic case that shattered the Defense of Marriage Act.


Mississippi: Good News, Bad News for LGBTQ Equality

The good news is that last week, a federal judge overturned Mississippi’s ban on adoption by same-sex couples—the last such state ban. But a pending bill threatens to hobble that progress.


Last Adoption Ban for Same-Sex Couples Challenged

Four same-sex couples filed a federal lawsuit yesterday challenging the constitutionality of the Mississippi law banning adoption by same-sex couples. Mississippi is the one remaining U.S. state that prevents them from doing so.

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