new mexico

School Shooting in New Mexico: Questions Still Unanswered

Another school shooting. Another school shooting, this time in New Mexico, where an 12-year-old boy on Tuesday sawed off a shotgun and shot two classmates, ages 12 and 13, before being restrained by a teacher. The classmates are alive, but one is in critical condition. Right after the Sandy Hook shootings, I wrote about some of

Marriage Equality in New Mexico Shows the Power of Parents — and One Mom’s Passing

New Mexico makes 17! Yesterday, the state Supreme Court ruled unanimously in favor of marriage equality, making 17 states, plus the District of Columbia, that allow same-sex couples to wed — eight states in 2013 alone. All of the plaintiff couples in the case are parents. But in our celebrations of the Land of Enchantment, we should take a moment to remember one mom who was fighting for marriage there while she was fighting for her life.

LGBTQ Parenting Roundup

LGBT Parenting Roundup

It’s a big, fat roundup to close out the week — some of the stories I haven’t covered already. Enjoy!

LGBT Parenting Roundup: Brought to You By the Letter “P”

I was focused on Blogging for LGBT Families Day all last week (and I encourage you to go read everyone’s wonderful posts, if you haven’t), but the world of LGBT parenting didn’t stop going on around us. Here are some of the top stories from the past week.

From Harassment to Hope

I’m fuming. Let’s review: A twelve-year-old Kentucky middle-school student with two moms was suspended from school for three days after she asked her bus driver to stop some other students from making fun of gay and lesbian people. When the bus driver laughed along and called the girl a “contradiction,” the girl called the bus

Weekly Political Roundup

U.S. National News The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee marked up and passed the Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act, which would provide benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees. While the above churns through the system, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) concluded that it does not have the legal authority to

Weekly Political Roundup

Can we compromise on marriage? David Blankenhorn and Jonathan Rauch think so. Pam disagrees. What about you? The Obama administration named Jeffrey S. Crowley, an openly gay man, Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy. The U.S. State Department’s annual Human Rights Report condemns Russia, Serbia, and Nigeria, for breaches of human rights for

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