nonbiological/nongestational parents

LGBTQ Parenting Roundup

LGBTQ Parenting Roundup

Time for another roundup of a few stories I haven’t covered elsewhere, including ones on queer parents in history, medicine, fashion, weightlifting, the White House, and even horror films. Enjoy them as you get ready for tricks and treats (or just prepare to stock up on half-price Halloween candy tomorrow)!

U.S. Supreme Court

U.S. Supreme Court Refuses Case Challenging Right of Same-Sex Parents to Both Be Recognized as Legal Parents

This morning, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to take a case in which Indiana was trying to deny the right of married nonbiological mothers in same-sex couples to be recognized as legal parents by being put on their children’s birth certificates. An appeals court had ruled in January that both mothers must be allowed on the birth certificates; because the Supreme Court has refused to take the case, that decision stands.

Flag of Kansas

Kansas Supreme Court Recognizes “Notorious” Nonbiological Parents

The Kansas Supreme Court ruled last week that nonbiological mothers may be recognized as parents simply by acknowledging maternity at the time a child is born and showing that the birth mother consented to shared parenting. The case also brings us what could be the best use of the word “notorious” since RBG.

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