
Rainbow Flag

LGBTQ Parents: Resistance, Persistence, and Pride

This wasn’t the Pride Month I was looking forward to. I hoped we would be celebrating gains built on marriage equality, not battling to stop religious-exemption laws that could exclude us from parenting and limit homes for children who need them. I hoped we would be celebrating a growing understanding of transgender people, not trying to stop the same kind of bathroom bills for which North Carolina has been widely criticized. I hoped we wouldn’t still have to fight for the right of both same-sex parents to be on our children’s birth certificates.

Rainbow Flag

Our Pride Goes On

It’s the end of Pride Month, but far from the end of our pride. Last year at this time, our pride was celebratory. This year, it is resolute.

Rainbow Flag

Pride Ponderings

Pride is a funny concept, with both positive and negative connotations. It goeth before a fall. It makes a combustible pairing with prejudice. The Marines, though few, lay claim to it. Pride can be overweening. It can blind us to the needs of others. But it can also remind us of what is important in life: our children, our families, our identities.

UCC Rochester - front

See the Amazing Response to Church Pride Flag Theft

Sometimes, the world renews my faith in it. Back in July, I wrote about the First Church Congregational in Rochester, New Hampshire, which had two Pride flags stolen within a week. Here’s what happened when the pastor then asked people to send in rainbow flags to cover the building.

Family Weekend in the Southwest

Come to the LGBTQ Family Weekend in the Southwest

While we’re on the subject of seasonal gatherings of LGBTQ families, here’s one coming up in a few weeks in beautiful (and weird, but only in the best sense) Austin, Texas.

Why This Straight Mom Brings Her Kids to Pride

As Pride Month winds down, I want to give a nod to our allies, who play a vital role in building bridges as we move towards equality. One example is mom Emily Rosenbaum, who writes at Kveller about walking in Boston’s Pride Parade with her kids and their synagogue. They go to Pride, she says,

Stories of Pride

It’s Pride Month once again, which means that I am once again inspired to take stock of what I’m proud of this year. As always, my son tops the list. He’s finishing elementary school this month, which seems incredible, not because I ever doubted he’d do it, but because it seems just yesterday that I

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