prop 8

Over 400 Posts Contributed for Write to Marry Day

Wow. Bloggers contributed over 400 posts for Write to Marry Day, sharing both personal and political reasons for standing against California’s Proposition 8. Participants included both LGBT bloggers and non-LGBT allies, parents, people of faith, national and state LGBT and civil rights organizations, and blogs both large and small. Many thanks to all of you […]

Write to Marry Day: Contributed Posts

Below (after the jump) is the master list of OVER 400 posts contributed for Write to Marry Day. Thanks to all are who participating. I’m still taking posts, to account for differences in time zones and allow for some latecomers. Submit your link through the form at the end of this post, after the jump.

Join Us October 29 for Write to Marry Day

Please join bloggers around the country and around the world on Wednesday, October 29 to blog in support of marriage equality for same-sex couples and against California’s Proposition 8. The event will give bloggers a chance to voice their opposition to Prop 8 and highlight what they may have already done, online or off, to

You Can’t Silence the Children

I have a new piece up at, “Teaching Children about Gays and Lesbians.” I talk about Prop 8 and how those who want to ban discussion of same-sex couples in school curricula are ignoring the fact that the only real way to eliminate this topic from the classroom is to expel the children who

Video Update

No vlog this week, I’m afraid. Helen’s business trip to Japan got extended, and I thought that one solo vlog in a row from me was enough. (I’m also fighting some bronchial malady that causes me to have coughing fits at random intervals, which would be really unpleasant on camera.) Instead, I’ll offer you this

10 Things You Can Do to Stop the Props

Florida’s Prop 2, California’s Prop 8, Arizona’s Prop 102: You know what they are. You’ve given money to fight them. (If you haven’t, stop right now and click one of the links above, donate, then continue reading.) There are exactly two weeks to go now, folks. What else can you do, especially if you are

Bloggers Against Props 8, 2, and 102

As Election Day nears, bloggers are ramping up their efforts to raise money and awareness for the three state ballot measures that would make it unconstitutional for same-sex couples to marry. California’s measure, Proposition 8, is arguably the most important, since it would take away a right already held by citizens of the state, but

Who’s Indoctrinating Whom?

The right-wing often claims that LGBT advocates are trying to “indoctrinate” children about “homosexuality.” One look at this, however, will tell you who’s really indoctrinating their children with lies: This is exactly why we need to give money to these folks. Hear what Ellen DeGeneres has to say on the subject after the jump.

Weekly Political Roundup

The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal from “ex-lesbian” mom Lisa Miller, who is trying to deny visitation to her former partner, Janet Jenkins. SCOTUS rejected the appeal based on a ruling from the Vermont Supreme Court, where the case was first heard. It must still decide whether to hear a petition in

Wedding Field Trip Riles Right

I blogged Monday about a San Francisco first-grade class who surprised their lesbian teacher by showing up at her wedding. A parent suggested the field trip and school administrators agreed it was a “teachable moment.” While I admired the thought behind the trip, I was very concerned about the far-right running with the story. Well,

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