
Phil Bildner

School Cancels Virtual Author Visit Because of Book’s Gay Character: But What Response Best Helps LGBTQ Youth During Pandemic?

Award-winning author Phil Bildner was set to do a virtual visit with a group of fourth graders this month, when the school’s parents’ association suddenly informed him that he couldn’t talk about his latest book—a middle-grade novel about a boy coming out as gay. They then canceled his event. Bildner’s response, in which he chooses not to publicly name the school, reminds us that there are many factors to consider in keeping LGBTQ youth safe—especially in a time of pandemic.

Stack of Books - Kimberly Farmer

Nonprofit Brings Hope and LGBTQ-Inclusive Books to Rural Schools

I don’t have to convince regular readers of the need for LGBTQ-inclusive books and other media in schools. That’s why I’m excited about a new project that is donating boxes of such books to rural public schools, and providing coaching and curriculum guides to help educators use them effectively.

Back-to-School 2019

LGBTQ Back-to-School Resources: 2019 Edition

It’s that time of year again! Here’s my annual collection of back-to-school resources for LGBTQ parents, parents of LGBTQ children, and educators, enlarged and improved for 2019! I hope it remains useful, whether your children are just entering school, starting a new school, or encountering new situations in their educational journeys.

LGBTQ Families Speak Out

Video Project Captures LGBTQ Families’ School Experiences

An ongoing project in Canada has been conducting video interviews of families with LGBTQ parents and/or LGBTQ children about their children’s experiences in school. Have a look at some of the many clips from nearly 40 families.

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