south carolina

Defend Trans Youth - Trans Week of Visibility and Action

Take Action for the Trans Week of Visibility and Action

Anti-LGBTQ groups have been trying to push the idea that anti-LGBTQ, and particularly anti-transgender, legislation is about protecting children and preserving parents’ rights. As a queer parent, I know that’s a load of bunk. For the Trans Week of Visibility and Action, therefore, here are some actions we can all take to counter the many legislative […]


2020 LGBTQ Parenting Year in Review

In a year like no other, LGBTQ families, like all others, struggled with the physical, mental, and economic challenges of the pandemic. And with children of LGBTQ parents much more likely to live in poverty than those with non-LGBTQ parents, the pandemic may have hit many LGBTQ families, like those of other marginalized groups, particularly hard. Pandemic aside, there were many political and legal challenges—and a few victories—directly related to LGBTQ parents and our children in the U.S. this year. Here are the highlights, good and bad.

South Carolina Flag

HHS Tells South Carolina It’s Okay to Discriminate in Foster Care and Adoption

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services yesterday granted South Carolina a waiver so that federally funded adoption and foster care agencies in the state may discriminate based on a person’s religion, LGBTQ identity, or other factors that do not harmonize with the religious beliefs that the agency espouses.

Trees and Snow

Warmth for the Winter

February, despite being the shortest month, is often a hard one. Where I live, any day might be a snow day, with my son home from school and the sidewalks needing to be shoveled. The usual routine of laundry and groceries and dinner doesn’t stop. In recent weeks, too, I have been distracted by the news stories of a government chipping away at the rights of LGBTQ people, immigrants, and others. How not to be overwhelmed by it all? Here are some of the stories about LGBTQ families and our allies making February just a bit warmer.

South Carolina

Birth Certificate Victory for Lesbian Moms in Federal Court

Two lesbian moms won a legal victory yesterday when a U.S. District Court in South Carolina ruled that it is unconstitutional for the state to deny accurate birth certificates to children of married same-sex couples.

Weekly Political Roundup

A weekly summary of LGBT political news highlights for busy parents. Freedom to Marry has launched Mayors for the Freedom to Marry, a bipartisan coalition of over 80 mayors who have pledged to support marriage for same-sex couples. Indiana has begun to issue a license plate designed to raise awareness about LGBT youth issues—the first

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