

The New Mombian YouTube Channel: 200+ LGBTQ Family Videos

I’m very excited to announce the new Mombian YouTube Channel, where I’ve collected and organized over 200 videos about LGBTQ families. There are videos for and by both LGBTQ parents and our kids, so come check it out!

Online STEM Videos for Kids

Wait. . . . Isn’t this a blog about LGBT parenting? Yes, but sometimes parenting is just parenting—and with a son interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) subjects, this particular LGBT parent spends a lot of time looking for STEM resources. Herewith, some of the sites we’ve been enjoying lately as sources for STEM videos.

Mombian YouTube Channel Update

I’ve added a few more videos to the Mombian YouTube channel this week, including a promo video for Camp Ten Trees, a summer camp near Seattle for LGBT children and children from LGBT families. There’s also a long trailer for Fatherhood Dreams, a Canadian documentary about two gay couples who are prospective dads. One of

Introducing the Mombian YouTube Channel

You can now find over 50 videos (and counting!) for and about LGBT parents and our families all in one place at the new Mombian YouTube Channel. Most of you know that finding appropriate videos about our families isn’t easy. (If you’ve ever searched YouTube for “lesbian moms,” you’ll find NSFW search results that probably

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