“The Heart of the Game” Looks at Girls’ Basketball and Lives

BasketballThe Heart of the Game, a new documentary about a Seattle girls’ high-school basketball team, opened yesterday in Los Angeles and New York. The film, an official selection of the Toronto Film Festival, looks fantastic, based on trailer and reviews. One of those worth getting a sitter for, rather than waiting for Netflix. It captures six years in the life of the Roosevelt Roughriders, coached by moonlighting college professor Bill Resler. Star player Darnellia Russell’s loss of eligibility and fight to regain it form the core of the movie, which explores themes of teamwork, struggle, and character.

The WNBA is talking it up. NPR has an interview with Resler and Russell.

The film’s Web site includes a study guide for teens. Seems like a good resource for teachers, coaches, clergy, and other youth-group leaders, not to mention us plain-old parents.

1 thought on ““The Heart of the Game” Looks at Girls’ Basketball and Lives”

  1. Thanks for the heads-up. I hadn’t heard a thing (not surprising). You used a word I’m not familiar with–sitter? I know Netflix all to well however! xo

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