Don’t Leave Your Children in Hot Cars

Car Window in SunFrom the ever-vigilant Pam of Pam’s House Blend, a reminder not to leave your children in hot cars, even for a few minutes. Nearly 300 children have died this way since 1998. This seems like an obvious no-no to me. Apparently, though, the number of people forgetting their children in cars is rising, since airbags mean children now ride in the back. Whether because of forgetfulness or convenience (“I’ll only be a few minutes”), there’s still no excuse.

Let’s review: the interior temperature of a car can increase 19 degrees in ten minutes. A child’s core body temperature increases five times faster than that of an adult’s. Heatstroke occurs when the core body temperature reaches 104 degrees, and a temperature of 107 degrees is considered lethal.

Plan extra time for errands. Take your kids in with you.

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