July 2006

“Workout” Premieres Tonight

Unless you’ve been completely out of touch with lesbian culture in the past week (and if you are, you probably aren’t reading this blog), you’ll know that tonight is the premiere of Bravo’s new docudrama, Workout, starring Hollywood fitness trainer and out lesbian Jackie Warner. If you want more of the inside scoop, you can […]

Technical Difficulties

Apologies to those of you who tried to visit the site last night but couldn’t. My Web host was having some serious problems. This is the first major issue I’ve had with them, so I’m going to give them another chance. Web outages are never fun, but it’s hard to avoid them entirely, no matter

History Is Written By the Winners

Just when I think I can’t get any more exasperated at educational policy after President Bush’s No Child Left Behind program, along comes his brother. Jeb Bush and the Florida legislature are embracing the victor’s privilege of dictating history. Last month, Jeb signed a bill stating that “American history shall be viewed as factual, not

FMA Defeated in House

Ignore the last post. The forces of good have prevailed, and the Federal Marriage Amendment was defeated in the House 236-187. You can use the HRC Web site to find out how your representative voted, and thank or chastise him or her.

House FMA Vote Is Today

A quick alert that the House vote on the Federal Marriage Amendment is today. The Senate voted a month ago not to proceed with a full vote on the amendment, effectively killing it. This means the House vote is purely for political posturing. Given the recent state-level setbacks, though, a defeat of the FMA in

Updated and Improved Resource Directory

I’ve updated and reorganized the Mombian Resource Directory for Lesbian Moms, and hope you’ll stop over for a look. This is an enhanced version of the links list to the right of the posts. I’ve added some categories that don’t appear on the main blog page, though, and tried to make it overall more useful.

Taking a Stand on Potty Training

Today, I’m happy to provide a field report for all you new lesbian moms out there. I now have proof positive that it is not necessary to have a father in the home to teach one’s son to pee standing up. Despite the assertion of the New York Court of Appeals that “a child benefits

Weekly Political Update

A busy week in the LGBT political arena: Five straight couples in Arizona are suing to block the state’s proposed ban on same-sex marriage, saying the bill would invalidate their domestic partnerships as well. They’re using the same argument that marriage-equality supporters in Georgia used unsuccessfully a few weeks ago, claiming that the bill violates

New Federal Policies on School Wellness: Good, But Not Enough

A new federal law that took effect July 1 requires schools to meet certain wellness guidelines in an attempt to reduce childhood obesity. Schools must provide healthier meals, fewer sweets, and more physical activity. At the same time, as the Associated Press notes, the new rules don’t come with any consequences if schools don’t comply.

ADHD Risks for Girls

Researchers have just announced results of the first long-term study of girls with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The scientists noted that although an estimated 4.4 million American children have ADHD, it has often been under-diagnosed in girls because their behavior tends to be less disruptive than that of boys with the disorder. The effects of

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