December 2006

Mary Cheney Roundup

Everyone’s talking about Mary this week. Here are some of the more notable or amusing contributions: Pam of Pam’s House Blend is blunt: “With this development, Mary and her partner Heather Poe are going to make her father’s religious right friends go apesh*t again.” She then charts some of the rabid right’s first reactions.

Weekly Political Roundup

The Maryland Supreme Court heard arguments from 19 gay and lesbian residents, urging them to strike down a law banning same-sex marriage. The New Jersey State Assembly’s judiciary committee approved a bill to create civil unions with the same rights as marriage, despite a push from LGBT-rights groups to call these unions “marriage.” The full

Skicross Trumps Women’s Ski Jumping for 2010 Olympics

The International Olympic Committee ruled today that women’s ski jumping will not be included as a new sport in the 2010 Olympics, while skicross will. Skicross is similar to snowboardcross, another classic (!) Olympic event, but with skis instead of snowboards. Do we really need both of these? The athletes can try again for 2014,

Blue Jersey’s Second Ad for Marriage Equality Fails to Convince

Blue Jersey’s second ad for marriage equality features the same two women—one married, one “civil unionized”—as the first. This time the pair are doing their respective taxes. “Single, Married, Divorced, Widowed?” the civil-unionized woman reads in puzzlement. None of the categories fit her. The ad fails, however, to address the obvious comeback: “Well, won’t they

Kids’ Gender-Exploration Kit

The fine folks at PG Toys contacted me and asked if I would write about their first kids’ toy project, The Gender-Play-Doh Kit. The kit includes: A convertible bag Lipstick Nail Polish Clip-on Earrings Make your own bracelet! Black makeup for drawing on facial hair Suspenders A Bow-Tie A set of flash cards with fun

Holiday Gift Pairings for Kids

When I give gifts, I like to create a theme by matching several items—and I don’t mean buying multiple products with the same branded character. An “action item” and a book or CD can allow kids to have fun with a subject from a variety of angles. Here are a few ideas for those (like

“Gingerbread Houses”: Martha Strikes First

I was all set to write about making “gingerbread” houses from graham crackers, an easy, clever project my son did in art class this weekend. Turns out Martha Stewart beat me to it. (Thanks to Blogging Baby for the sighting.) I’m including, nevertheless, a photo of the house my son decorated, to prove that one

Swedish Lutherans to Bless Same-Sex Unions

Not to be outdone by Conservative Jews, the Swedish Lutheran Church, the country’s largest denomination, has said same-sex couples will be able to have their unions blessed in any of its congregations as of January 2007. Individual priests may refuse to conduct such ceremonies, but the congregation must ensure a blessing is provided. Although Sweden

Conservative Rabbis Permit Same-Sex Unions, Gay Ordinations

The governing committee of Conservative Judaism has ruled to permit same-sex commitment ceremonies and the ordination of gay and lesbian rabbis. They did not, however, go so far as to approve same-sex marriage. Although the committee’s decision was not unanimous, enough members approved to make it valid, “meaning that it is a well-founded interpretation of

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