Family Pride Organizing 2007 White House Egg Roll Contingent

Easter EggsThe Family Pride Coalition is once again organizing a contingent of LGBTQ families to participate in the White House Egg Roll. They explain:

With your help, on April 9th, hundreds of LGBTQ-parented families will fill the White House Lawn, rolling easter eggs side by side with our fellow citizens. At Family Pride, we believe that by participating fully and openly in time honored traditions like the egg roll we can help the American public come to know our families.

This is a great opportunity to increase the visibility of our families, as well as introduce our children to some of the monuments of American history. See the Family Pride Web site for full details, and to sign up as a participant or volunteer.

If you’re thinking of going, be sure to check out the long comment on my post about Washington, DC, where Exiled to Canada offers some great suggestions about traveling to DC with children.

3 thoughts on “Family Pride Organizing 2007 White House Egg Roll Contingent”

  1. I’m always in favor of queer visibility. I must say, though, that the Egg Roll at the White House bothers me more as a Jew than as a lesbian. I firmly believe that Christian-related rituals have no place in government. Including the White House.

    Just my 2Cents.

  2. I’m agreeing with Lo, and not just because she is my wife.

    I was raised a Christian. But I feel that the more our nation is clouded by the notion of separation of church and state, the harder the struggle becomes for LGBTQ Equality. Too often, we are told that we cannot have marriage because “marriage is sacred.” Civil marriage is not sacred. An atheist man and an atheist woman can get married. And if marriage were truly sacred — man and woman joined by God — why do we allow divorce?

    I think that part of our fight for equality has to include reminding the government of separation of church and state. It is only then that arguments about legislating morality will weaken.

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