Mary Cheney to Appear on Season Five of The L Word

The L WordMary Cheney, daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney, will make a guest appearance on Season Five of The L Word, Showtime has announced. The out lesbian and soon-to-be mom will play the women’s basketball coach at California University, the institution where Jennifer Beals’ Bette Porter works. “We feel Mary has a look that’s just right for the character,” said L Word creator Ilene Chaiken. “She has an executive presence, a no-nonsense attitude, and the perfect hair.”

When asked if Mary’s character would become involved with any of the regulars on the show, Chaiken replied, “Let’s just say she gives Bette a few pointers on her layups.”

(Hair tip from Dorothy Surrenders.)

3 thoughts on “Mary Cheney to Appear on Season Five of <em>The L Word</em>”

  1. Exiled to Canada

    But can she ACT? My guess is NO. Why would anyone hire someone for a job that they have absolutely no qualifications for? Someone’s sexual orientation and physical appearance shouldn’t automatically qualify them for a job any more than it should disqualify them for a job. Yet more evidence the show has lost it’s mind. I’ll be sticking with BSG on Sunday nights.

  2. Jane Lesbiandoe

    ///Someone’s sexual orientation and physical appearance shouldn’t automatically qualify them for a job any more than it should disqualify them for a job. ////

    See Daniela Sea Max on TLW.

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