A New Day for LGBT Australians?

australian_flag.jpgMaking international headlines this week is the defeat of Australia’s prime minister, John Howard, a Bush ally, and the triumph of Labor’s Kevin Rudd. Reader Mace, who founded the Lesbian Parents Australia Yahoo! group, wrote “we no longer have a conservative government in Australia … and that is a new beginning with lots of renewed hope for equity for same sex families.” Bloggers and new moms The Muriels, however, express their disappointment that Rudd’s acceptance speech omitted an explicit mention of LGBT Australians, although Labor’s national platform includes legal equality and relationship recognition for same-sex couples. Prominent gay advocate Rodney Croome also takes a cautious approach, noting “the last few months have seen the beginning of a crusade by the religious right to extend its influence over Kevin Rudd and limit Labor’s already limited reform agenda.” (Thanks to Mace for the link.)

Let’s hope Labor’s win does in fact signal a positive change for Australia’s LGBT community. I also think that as more and more of the U.S.’s ally countries enact laws recognizing same-sex couples, it puts pressure on the U.S. to do the same. Here’s to all the LGBT Australians and allies who played a part in this week’s victory and who will continue to work towards equality for all.

4 thoughts on “A New Day for LGBT Australians?”

  1. I also think that as more and more of the U.S.’s ally countries enact laws recognizing same-sex couples, it puts pressure on the U.S. to do the same.

    I hate to be negative, because I share your hope, but when I read this, it occurred to me that it hasn’t worked this way with the death penalty.

  2. Ah, good point. Looking on the positive side (sort of), though, perhaps there’s more media value in an Australian tourist raising a fuss at her embassy because a hospital in Florida won’t let her see her partner who was injured when their rental car crashed. That’s a cynical way of looking at things–and I don’t really wish harm on any Australian tourists–but it might make people more sympathetic to the situation in a way a death penalty case wouldn’t. Not that it’s going to be easy, in any case….

  3. Hello Dana and all..

    Mace here..

    ..its interesting how a story on an Australian change of govt and the prospect that brings for favourable changes to legislation and social policy.. is cause for US readers of Mombian to analyse the change as how it may affect similar progressive changes in the US..

    ..i do exactly the same thing :) ..only in reverse..

    ..i look to all the seemingly radical changes that have occurred in the US.. and think that Australia should get a trickle on effect of your advanced social policies..

    ..bottom line.. ..i think that legislative and social change is global.. sometimes it just seems to move too slow..

    ..but is is happening.. and Mombian is recording that change.. magic !!


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