June 2008

Father’s Day Roundup

Even mainstream media seems to be paying attention to gay dads this week: MSNBC’s Mike Stuckey spoke with two Seattle men who have three sons, Zach, Zayn, and Zeth, who [despite growing up to hate alphabetical order] are doing much better than they were with their “substance-abusing and incarcerated biological parents.” The judge who granted […]

Weekly Political Roundup

Barack Obama appointed David Noble, director of public policy and government affairs at the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, and former executive director of the National Stonewall Democrats, as director of the LGBT vote for his campaign. The presidential candidate also sent an open letter to LGBT voters and said “I will place the

Book Review: The Maternal Is Political

The Maternal Is Political: Women Writers at the Intersection of Motherhood and Social Change, a collection of 43 essays edited by Shari MacDonald Strong, is both a celebration and a manifesto for mothers with hopes of making the world a better place for their children. Its authors include news headliners like Nancy Pelosi, Benazir Bhutto,

Destroying the Foundations, or Establishing a Blueprint?

Two recent articles indicate that far from destroying traditional relationships, same-sex couples, parents in particular, offer examples that others would be wise to follow. Last Sunday’s New York Times Magazine discusses the phenomena of husband-wife couples who are trying to buck society and tradition and share parenting duties equally. It’s a fascinating (though perhaps not

Massachusetts Governor’s Daughter Comes Out

In a move to remind all the same-sex couples flocking west to marry that Massachusetts is the original Gay State, Katherine Patrick, daughter of Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, has just come out as a lesbian. I jest about the motivation, but the fact of the matter is true. In an interview with Bay Window’s Laura

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 32

Helen and I bring you the scoop on a mainstream TV documentary about lesbian partners who each had twins—at the same time. Plus: a film by the same filmmaker about single moms by choice, including one lesbian mom. (This is a recap of my previous post on the same.) We then share some of the

Super Dads Galore

A follow up to my earlier post on TiVo and Focus on the Family: Both the Family Equality Council and Box Turtle Bulletin are asking people to submit entries about super LGBT dads to the FOF contest and then to send them copies of the entries, which FOF is screening out. (I’m assuming the same

TiVo Hits “Erase” on Hate Group?

Earlier this week, I wrote of the developing story surrounding TiVo and the company’s relationship with ultra-conservative group Focus on the Family (FOF). FOF had a relationship with TiVo to promote Tivo’s KidZone content-screening feature and offer a special deal to FOF members. The organization appeared to have partnered with the company on a Father’s

First to Marry, After Five Decades

Del Martin, 87, and Phyllis Lyon, 83, will be the first same-sex couple to have a legal wedding in California. The couple, who have been together for over five decades, were also the first to wed when San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom began marrying couples in 2004—marriages that were then revoked by the state. The

Quads Redux

If you missed Quads with Two Moms, the Discovery Health show I mentioned yesterday, you can catch it again June 14 at 2 p.m. Eastern and July 6 at 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. Here’s my quick take: It’s a good documentary, although the whizzy graphics and zippy scene cuts at the beginning struck me

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