What Would You Do With $30 Million?

Thirty million dollars. That’s what consultants are estimating both sides could spend on Proposition 8, the November ballot initiative that would amend California’s constitution to ban marriage of same-sex couples.

Rather than wasting money trying to stop loving couples from marrying (or having to fight for their right to do the same), here’s a rough list of some other things $30 million could buy:

These aren’t necessarily the most important or only things one could do with this money. I also realize that if the marriage battle ended now the money wouldn’t automatically go to any of the above items. I mean to give a sense of what we’re wasting here, not to set actual priorities or assume apples will transform to oranges.

But still . . .

What would you do for the public good with $30 million?

1 thought on “What Would You Do With $30 Million?”

  1. Not that I can break it down into sheer numbers- but I would do something with the foster/adoption system to provide for better funding, resources, etc.

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