Prop 8 Protests

Quick post, but in the spirit of helping to get the word out:

No On Prop 8 organizers are holding a number of community gatherings around California tonight to oppose Prop 8. They say “With an estimated 3 to 4 million votes remaining to be counted, the race is still too close to call.” Details of times and locations are on their Web site.

My thoughts are with you from across the country.

4 thoughts on “Prop 8 Protests”

  1. Let’s boycott CA wines, fruit, vegetables and travel. Let’s let everyone know about it. Let’s embarass them. It worked years ago in Colorado. What you you say?

  2. I’m sure the MA tourism board would appreciate it. Given that so much of the Yes On 8 money came from Utah, though, should we boycott them as well?

  3. Dana,

    We got this comment on one of our articles over at LGR….

    Anonymous November 7, 2008 5:40 AM

    Before Tuesday I did not hate you and I did not want to hurt you…. but today if you came to my house with any more of this religious bigotry, I would shoot you in the face.

    This all of you religious fuckers accomplished with all of this… I hate you now and will do anything I can to hurt you… thanks so very much.

    While I can’t see shooting people in the face… I can understand the feeling that motivated this commenter this morning.

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