Election Party Pics

We’re not vlogging this week because of personal circumstances, but I thought I’d offer a few shots of some humorous items from the Election Night party that friends of ours held. Nice of the Senator to join us, don’t you think? And you know it’s a lesbian mom household because they’re using a Melissa & Doug easel to track election results. (They also got a pad of blank U.S. maps from an education-supply store and had us color in our state-by-state guesses with red and blue crayons. Fun stuff.) Also note the subtle yet important space between “Go” and “P” on their bathroom door.

It was exhilarating to pop a bottle of champagne with them when Obama won, and nice to have sympathetic people around when it was clear Prop 8 was going to pass. Thanks to them for their hospitality! (I wish I could say our sons were interested in the election, too, but mostly they were focused on Legos.)

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