November 2008

Hope and Disappointment

Barack Obama has made history. I am thrilled beyond belief at this. He will be the first president my son remembers, and I can think of no better. And yet . . . . Marriage of same-sex couples is now not only illegal but unconstitutional in Arizona and Florida. Same-sex couples can no longer adopt […]

The L Word Season 5 Box Set Giveaway, Part Three

Here’s the next of my The L Word Fifth Season box set giveaways, which I’m running in conjunction with Robin Reagler of The Other Mother. Congratulations to the first five winners. I’ll give away another five sets here today and Robin will wrap up with five more on Wednesday. Here’s how today’s contest will work:

Election Prep

Here are a few helpful Web sites and promotions to prepare you for Election Day: Don’t know where to vote? Live in a district, like I once did, where the polling place changes from election to election? Enter your home address into Google’s 2008 U.S. Voter Info site and it will tell you where to

Healthy Food Songs from Erin Lee and Marci

Children’s musicians Erin Lee and Marci bring us the next of their regular posts with thematic recommendations for kid-friendly music, plus activities to make the songs an interactive experience for the whole family. Look for Erin Lee and Marci here on the first Monday of each month, or visit their homepage, I’ve created links

Why No On 8? Think of the Children

How will a vote against Prop 8 impact children? The latest No On 8 ad, called “Parents,” explains: I’m sure most readers here already agree. If you need to convince those who prefer an opinion that doesn’t come from a No On 8-produced ad, however, here’s what straight über-momblogger and self-described “recovering Mormon” Dooce had

And the Winner Is . . .

Bette Porter for President! The smart and confident Ms. Porter is Mombian readers’ choice for the Oval Office, based on your comments to the L-ection question in my L Word giveaway post. The first five winners of the L Word Complete Fifth Season DVD Box set, however, show a range of opinions. They are: Ammo:

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