Loving Families: An Idea for Change

I recently received an invitation to submit an “Idea for Change in America” at Change.org, a social network for social change. The concept behind this campaign is to collect “Top 10 Ideas for America” that Change.org will present to the Obama Administration on Inauguration Day. They then plan to build a national campaign with their many national partner organizations and members to advance each idea in Congress.

There were many ideas I could have submitted, but I chose to stick with a basic one close to my heart: All children deserve loving families. Here’s what I said:

Every child in America deserves a loving family. The rights of children to find a loving home through adoption or fostering shall not be withheld on account of the prospective parent’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. An adult in a committed relationship with the sole legal parent of a child, whom the legal parent acknowledges as a second parent, shall be recognized under the law as such, even if the two parents later separate. Furthermore, the relationship of a parent to a child, if recognized by a state or jurisdiction, shall be recognized by all states and jurisdictions.

If you like the idea, please vote it up! It’s already catching some flak from those who feel a traditional man-woman family is best for children. You can also click the image to grab the widget for your own site. Thanks!

2 thoughts on “Loving Families: An Idea for Change”

  1. Pingback: All Children Deserve Loving Families: Vote at Change.org | Green Dads

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