April 2009

Charitable Deductions Warm You Twice

It’s tax day here in the U.S. My spouse Helen has a new post up at Queercents, in which she looks at how to maximize your tax deduction if you make charitable contributions. Never too late to start planning for the coming year, I say. She also explains how the current lack of federal recognition […]

What Do You Dislike Most About Tax Time?

Complete the sentence (leave a comment): The thing I dislike most about tax time is . . . Me? Checking that damn “Single” box, when I’m not. Followed closely by the income tax Helen pays on the health insurance coverage that her company provides to me, and the lack of spousal IRA contributions for same-sex

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Tragedy: GLSEN reports, “An 11-year-old Massachusetts boy, Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover, hung himself Monday [April 6] after enduring bullying at school, including daily taunts of being gay, despite his mother’s weekly pleas to the school to address the problem. This is at least the fourth suicide of a middle-school aged child linked to bullying this year.”

Family Voices International: IX

Here is the ninth interview in this phase of the Family Voices series. This time around, I am teaming up with Julieta of Ju, An y el Perro Activista to extend the series to include non-U.S. LGBT families. Julieta has also done Spanish translations of all the interviews, which you will find after the English

Same- and Opposite-Sex Couples May Have Different Adoption Preferences

Many prospective adoptive couples don’t care about the gender of their children, found Dr. Abbie Goldberg, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Clark University, in a new study. Gay men are, however, more likely to have a preference, and heterosexual men are least likely. Opposite-sex couples are more likely to prefer girls than those in same-sex

White House Egg Roll Liveblog

LGBT families and non-LGBT families alike are participating in this year’s White House Egg Roll. Dustin Kight from the Family Equality Council is liveblogging the event over at Bilerico, bringing us his insights as well as stories from other LGBT families in attendance. Much as the point is really that LGBT families are much like

Twelve-Year-Old’s Testimony for Marriage Equality In Vermont

Twelve-year-old Evann Orleck-Jetter, the daughter of lesbian moms, testified at the public hearings on marriage equality last month before Vermont’s Joint Senate and House Judiciary Committees. Democracy Now! spoke with her a few days ago and reported, “Many legislators later told Evann and her parents that her testimony had moved them to support the bill.”

Chickens and Eggs

The White House Egg Roll is coming up on Monday. I wrote last week about the Obama administration’s groundbreaking outreach to LGBT families while also questioning their continued reluctance to grant us full equality. For another perspective (not so different, when you come right down to it), here’s a piece at HuffPo by Alisa Surkis,

Happy Holidays

We’re having a bit of a family emergency here right now, hence the lack of vlog yesterday. I’m also going to skip the Weekly Political Update today; I’m assuming that this week of all weeks you’ve been keeping up with the political news, and that many of you have left for the long weekend already

The Most Powerful Lesbian Moms in America

Out magazine just published their third annual list of “The Power 50: The Most Powerful Gay Men and Women in America,” which means it’s time for my third annual list of The Most Powerful Lesbian Moms in America. The definition of “power” is subjective, of course. For the purposes of this list, I considered it

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