Are the Rights 5 the Right Stuff?

This isn’t parenting-specific, but my son is going through a superhero phase right now, so there’s a connection in my head:

Rights are only useful if people know you have them. That’s been one of my complaints about the plethora of terms for “two people in a mutually committed, legally recognized relationship.”

The GLBT Community Center of Colorado has launched a public education campaign to inform fellow citizens of the rights granted under state law to LGBT Coloradans. The campaign stars The Rights 5, “a league of superheroes banded together to illuminate those laws.”

The Rights 5 are: Enda Jobkeeping, The Enlightener; Nick Nondiscriminator, The Clarifier; Humberto Hate-Eraser, The Protector; Two-Pops Shakur, The Inspirer; and Desi B. Coupler, The Unifier. Their YouTube video tells you more:

What do you think of the Rights 5? Appealing? Effective? Too cutesy? Able to leap homophobia in a single bound?

(And on a related note, the out lesbian Batwoman is running for mayor of DC.)

1 thought on “Are the Rights 5 the Right Stuff?”

  1. i think it’s too cutesy… actually, it’s annoying. hard to believe the marketing folks behind this thought it would be effective.

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