Dr. Susan Love Recruits a Gay and Trans Army Against Breast Cancer

Pink RibbonOctober is Breast Cancer Awareness month. I haven’t posted much about it because I tend to take a skeptical view of the pink bandwagon that gets rolling this time of year. Nothing wrong with raising awareness and money, but some breast cancer survivors feel companies are trying to exploit them and pretty up what is a horrible disease, as Kris Frieswick’s article in the Boston Globe makes clear.

Dr. Susan Love, however (who happens to be a fellow lesbian mom), is taking what I view as one of the most effective and interesting approaches to finding the causes of breast cancer. Some of you may know her from her guest appearance during Season 3 of The L Word. I had the honor of interviewing her for 365gay.com, and the article, “Dr. Susan Love Recruits a Gay and Trans Army Against Breast Cancer,” is now up. I can’t crosspost it yet, but I hope you’ll go have a read.

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