breast cancer

Lesbian Breast Cancer Study

Participate in the Lesbians and Breast Cancer Study

Identify as a member of the lesbian community? Help contribute to a better understanding of lesbian health by participating in an anonymous study about lesbians and breast cancer, whether you are a survivor or have no history of the disease.

Dr. Susan Love Recruits an LGBT Army Against Breast Cancer

Since the blogosphere has been abuzz with news about breast cancer organization Susan G. Komen for the Cure pulling funds from Planned Parenthood, I thought I’d post the slightly revised version of an interview I did several years ago with Dr. Susan Love.

Lesbian and Bisexual Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer Needed for Study

Dr. Susan Love is something of a legend in the world of breast cancer research and advocacy. (She also happens to be a lesbian mom.) Her Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation launched the “Army of Women” in October 2008 with the goal of recruiting one million women of all ages and ethnicities, including those who have never

Dr. Susan Love Recruits a Gay and Trans Army Against Breast Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. I haven’t posted much about it because I tend to take a skeptical view of the pink bandwagon that gets rolling this time of year. Nothing wrong with raising awareness and money, but some breast cancer survivors feel companies are trying to exploit them and pretty up what is

Dr. Susan Love Recruiting an Army of Women

It’s LGBT Health Awareness Week. I therefore thought I’d post a piece I wrote with slight variation for Bay Windows as advance coverage for Dr. Susan Love’s appearance at Fenway Health here in Boston this coming weekend. Dr. Love is an eminent breast cancer surgeon. Some of you may remember her from her guest appearance

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