“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 93

Helen and I share the harrowing but not tragic story of totaling our car last week. We then discuss asking and telling at our insurance company, which only covers members and former members of the military. Plus: a new memoir about growing up in the 1970’s as the child of a lesbian mom. And really bad car puns!

(If the video above doesn’t work for you, try it at Dailymotion.)

Brought to you in partnership with After Ellen.

3 thoughts on ““She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 93”

  1. We have USAA also, through my partner. She’s been retired for 5 years now, but I think I’ve been on the policy for at least 14 years. At some point they changed the rules to allow someone living in the house to be on the policy. I think it was originally changed with senior citizens in mind, but it’s worked for us!

    On another note – I just ordered Luv Ya Bunches from a Scholastic Book Club form. I’m a teacher, and the December Arrow book order (geared toward 4 & 5th graders) has Luv Ya Bunches on the front of the flyer at the top in the center!

  2. Good to see Luv Ya Bunches is getting some publicity, N. It’s a fun read. You raise a good point, too: Scholastic is a big corporation, and apparently the Book Club division hasn’t had any problem with Luv Ya Bunches. The Book Fair division had issues with it, though (restricting it to their middle school fairs).

  3. Car accidents are horrible. I’m glad there were no serious injuries, but what a difficult experience anyway. I really like your blog and vlog discussions.

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