Dazed and Confused

Amelie Gillette of The A.V. Club has a zinger of a post on the far-right and marriage equality. This qualifies as the quote of the week:

Now they’re saying that we can’t have gay marriage because it would confuse the kids. But you know what else confuses kids? Everything: Time zones. Books without pictures. Cargo pants. Certain hair colors. Jello molds. The magic trick with the quarter behind the ear. Mirrors. Mentadent toothpaste dispensers. Everything confuses kids, because they’re kids. So “Will it confuse kids?” is probably not the best litmus test for, well, anything besides toys and Spongebob plotlines (and even then, there’s a lot of leeway).

Go read the rest, because it’s great, too.

(Via David Badash of The New Civil Rights Movement.)

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