Happy Birthday, Mombian!

Five years ago today I began this little blogging endeavor. My son was barely two, just learning to talk; I was barely beginning to realize the full range of things it means to be a mother.

Now, he is finishing first grade, reading anything he lays his eyes on, building complicated Lego spaceships, and riding a bike almost the size of mine. (I’m small, but even so. . . .) I am still learning the full range of what it means to be a mother—I think no one really knows until she experiences her particular kid(s) at any given age—but I think I have a slightly better sense of some of the things I have yet to learn.

If the blog has grown, too, it is because of you, readers. The best part of blogging has been getting to know so many wonderful parents and bloggers from all around the world. I thank you for reading, and for all of your comments and support.

Birthday thanks, too, to Helen, my spouse and partner in parenting, who has been supportive of this project of mine and has herself stepped into the blogosphere. (Yes, our exciting lesbian lifestyle often consists of sitting together on the couch with our laptops.)

As with parenting, I don’t know what the next year will bring to this blog, but I hope you’ll join me for the ride.

(Photo credit: TheDeliciousLife)

6 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Mombian!”

  1. Happy birthday to you! Isn’t it amazing how quickly the time goes by? My oldest is about to turn 11 and every time I look at how tall she is, I feel such a sense of shock.

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