New IKEA Ad Features Gay Couple

For your weekend pleasure: please enjoy this very cool ad from IKEA, for its new Italian store in Catania, Sicily, featuring two men holding hands and the tag line, “Siamo aperti a tutte le famiglie,” or “We are open to all families.”

The usual outrage has ensued from the usual parties. I say they should get a few Poäng chairs and relax.

IKEA has a long history of LGBT-positive ads and imagery, as evidenced by the elevator doors at my local store. If we didn’t already have Expedit shelving in almost every room in the house, I’d rush out right now to buy some more.

1 thought on “New IKEA Ad Features Gay Couple”

  1. WHY always MEN? Are you noticing it too? I mean, I love our gay brothers but I swear the “LGBT” friendly press is heavily weighted toward the testicular. What gives?

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