Thank You — Yes, You — for an Award-Winning Twitter Party

Twitter_logo_whiteRemember that Twitter party on LGBT Family Travel that I collaborated on with Residence Inn, Traveling Mom, and Family Equality last November? It’s just garnered Residence Inn a SMITTY Award (Social Media in Travel + Tourism) from Travel + Leisure for “Best Chat/Hangout.” If you participated, that means you deserve some of the credit for making the event the roaring success that it was.

Travel + Leisure says, “Proving its commitment to equality, the brand threw a Twitter chat for LGBT travelers embarking on adoption-related trips.” I’ll just qualify that slightly, and say that adoption-related trips were only one of the many topics we discussed, which included general advice on traveling with kids, special tips for LGBT travelers venturing into not-necessarily-LGBT-friendly areas, legal tips, and more. Thanks to all who took part!

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