Gay Parent Magazine Interviews Mombian

Gay Parent Magazine recently spoke with me about my family, my career, and the origins of Mombian—and the interview is in its latest issue, available now.

Gay Parent Magazine
I’m the one on the left, with red hair. My spouse Helen is on the right. Our son is a bit bigger now than he was in this photo.

I tend to be an interviewer more than an interviewee around here, but I was honored to have the tables turned by Gay Parent Magazine, the world’s longest running, nationally distributed print publication dedicated to LGBTQ parenting. I spoke with writer Gary Hurtubise about my eclectic background, what I do other than blogging, and what my teenage son is up to these days. (And yes, I got his permission to post the photos of him and share a little about his life.)

You can read the article free here, or buy the entire issue in print or as a digital download—and if my profile isn’t enough (understandably) to whet your appetite, also in the issue are: an article on two U.S. families who used surrogates in other countries and are now trying to get the U.S. government to recognize their children’s citizenship; a profile of Ann Travers, author of The Trans Generation: How Trans Kids (and Their Parents) Are Creating a Gender Revolution; and suggestions from Midwife Marea Goodman on how to show up for “theybies” and their parents; plus their “21st Annual Family Building with Biological Babies Directory” and their “21st Annual LGBTQ Friendly Summer Camp Listing.” Lots of useful stuff!

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