Happy Turkey Baster Day!

No, those of us who use assisted reproduction don’t really use turkey basters. A medical syringe is the way to go. But to me, Thanksgiving is inextricably tied to family, especially since this year, our son is home for the first time after starting college. The iconic if erroneous turkey baster is as good a symbol for us as any, representing both food and family.

Turkey Baster

Thanksgiving has always been the biggest annual celebration for my family of origin. It’s tinged with sadness now that both Helen’s and my parents have passed, but the occasion has become even more meaningful to me as those of us who remain still gather. I’ll make my family-famous fiery “cranbanero” (cranberry-habanero) sauce, and eat far too much stuffing and pie. (I am a carb-based life form.)

For many in the queer community, unfortunately, holiday gatherings with families of origin and in-laws can bring tension rather than joy. I hope those of you in such situations are able to prioritize your own well-being and that of your children, however that manifests itself for you. May you find strength and love in the family you chose, if not also in the family from which you came.

Thanksgiving, of course, also represents a colonial invasion, and I hope we all take some time to educate ourselves and others about this part of its history and to recommit ourselves to social justice.

Posting will be light here for a few days as I spend time with my family.

Wishing you all a very happy holiday, no matter how you created your family or how you are celebrating this week.

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