16 Picture Books With Nonbinary Protagonists That Aren’t “About” Being Nonbinary

Sometimes it’s great to see LGBTQ protagonists simply having adventures like anyone else, and not always starring in books “about” their identities. In honor of International Nonbinary People’s Day (but good all year ’round), here are some picture books with protagonists who just happen to be nonbinary.

Most of the books below have protagonists who are clearly meant to be nonbinary (e.g., they use “they/them” pronouns). A few have protagonists who aren’t gendered, but because they could easily be read as nonbinary, I’m including them here. Interpret them as you will!

If you’re looking for books that are more directly “about” being nonbinary, filter my Database of LGBTQ Family Books by the Nonbinary/genderqueer kid tag (with or without age filters, too), which will give you all books with nonbinary representation. The Pronouns tag may be useful, too.

I’m focusing here on books with nonbinary kids, since I did a post about books with nonbinary parents for Nonbinary Parents Day in April, but you can also pull up the latter with the Nonbinary/genderqueer parent/adult tag.

And if you want books with protagonists of other LGBTQ identities that aren’t “about” those identities, the Incidental queerness tag is for you!

Click titles or images for reviews and purchase links!

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