Introducing the Redesigned Mombian!

I’ve redecorated! The Mombian site has a new look, designed to highlight not only my newest posts, but also some of what I hope are the most useful and interesting posts of the past 18+ years, plus various external resources, organized into categories relevant to LGBTQ families today.

Mombian: Sustenance for Lesbian Moms and Other LGBTQ Parents

The redesigned site still has my regular blog posts front and center, but also highlights some of the great new books in my Database of LGBTQ Family Books—and features some new content areas:

  • Starting: Where to begin? Here! With info and resources on beginning the journey to parenthood.
  • Naming: What do kids call their LGBTQ parents and other key adults in their lives? Here’s the list I’ve been collecting since 2011. Add your parental names!
  • Raising: Caring for kids, school resources, coming out to kids, donor siblings, and more.
  • Protecting: Legal information and resources on confirmatory (second-parent) adoption, surrogacy, custody, and more.
  • Connecting: Profiles of LGBTQ families, plus family groups, organizations, and other ways to find community.
  • Representing: Books, television, podcasts, blogs, and other ways LGBTQ families are represented.
  • Researching: Books, television, podcasts, blogs, and other ways LGBTQ families are represented.
  • Remembering: The history of LGBTQ families is longer than you may think.
  • Advocating: Speaking up for LGBTQ families and advocating for social justice.

Each of these sections is designed to showcase past posts that still feel the most relevant or interesting. The full blog archive can still be accessed from the links below (although I doubt anyone is still interested in some of the short posts I did 15 years ago in response to other blogs now long defunct.)

As you can imagine, though, going through and organizing nearly 6,000 posts is quite an undertaking (especially while also up to my elbows in CSS code for the site redesign, since I’m the CTO as well as Editor in Chief of this whole enterprise). I’ll still be doing some further perusing of past posts to find ones that feel interesting, amusing, and (I hope) useful. In the meantime, I’ll keep blogging about what’s new and important for LGBTQ families and reviewing the books that offer us needed representation. As always, thank you for reading, commenting, sharing my posts—and for sharing your own stories, which inspire me every day.

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