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Happy Blogaversary to Mombian

Four years ago today, I published my first Mombian post. It’s been a longer and more fun journey than I ever could have imagined, thanks to all of you who have stopped by to read, comment, and in many cases, become friends. My vision for the site then was to offer news, analysis, and resources […]

We Now Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Programming

I’m not posting a Weekly Political Roundup this week. I did an LGBT Parenting Roundup yesterday that I hope will hold you until next Friday. You see, our son is graduating from kindergarten today, and I wouldn’t be a very good parenting blogger if I didn’t get out and, well, parent. Gotta go get him

Taking a Short Break

I’m taking a short blogging break this week, so posts will be light. I have a few things set to publish automatically (so do stop by), but I will likely not be doing much in terms of breaking news. (This means, of course, that the California marriage decision will likely happen this week, because that’s

Blog Reader Appreciation Day

Robin Reagler of The Other Mother is hosting her annual Blog Reader Appreciation Day today, which seems like a wonderful idea and a great reason to offer my appreciation to you, dear readers. If a blog falls in a forest, and no one is there, it doesn’t make a sound. (Trees are still open for

Happy Holidays

We’re having a bit of a family emergency here right now, hence the lack of vlog yesterday. I’m also going to skip the Weekly Political Update today; I’m assuming that this week of all weeks you’ve been keeping up with the political news, and that many of you have left for the long weekend already

We’ve Got the Beat: Mombian Cited as Cool Beatblog

Mombian was cited today as a “really cool beatblog” by, in an article that looks at how “instead of just writing about the joys and trials of motherhood,” mommy bloggers are “branching out into other areas.” “What’s a beatblog?” you ask. Here’s’s definition: A beat blog in the expansive sense is any blog

Join the Blogswarm: The Only Agenda Is Love

It’s another blogswarm! This Monday, February 9, bloggers in the LGBT community and our allies will be participating in “The Only Agenda Is Love,” a blogswarm in support of Freedom to Marry Week. By being a part of this effort, you will help contribute to a blogsphere-wide education campaign about ways your readers can help

I’m a Lezzy

. . . or at least I’ve been nominated for one. The Lesbian Lifestyle blog is hosting its annual lesbian blog awards, The Lezzys, all this month, and one (or more) of you kind readers has thrown Mombian’s virtual hat into the ring. That means I need more nominations to make it into the final

Thanks for Your Votes!

Many thanks to all who took the time to vote for Mombian as Best Large Blog in the 2008 Weblog Awards. I didn’t win (the honor went to Jammie Wearing Fool), but I wasn’t last, so I’m happy. All in good fun, and I got to peruse a bunch of new blogs. Congratulations also to

Final Reminder: Please Vote for Mombian in Weblog Awards

A final (thank heavens!) reminder to vote for Mombian as Best Large Blog in the 2008 Weblog Awards. I know I won’t win at this point, but I’d love to go out with a big rally. Voting ends at 5:00 p.m. EST today. I know the Weblog Awards site has been slow to unavailable at

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