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The Mattachine Family

“The Mattachine Family” Explores How the Journey to Parenthood Changes Us

How does the journey to parenthood change us—especially a journey that isn’t straight, in many senses of the word? That’s the question asked in The Mattachine Family, a new movie from Andy Vallentine about a two-man couple trying to decide whether to continue pursuing parenthood after their foster child returns to his birth mother. Watch a trailer here.

Bluey (center); sister Bingo and cousin Muffin. Image courtesy of Disney.

“Bluey” Episode Depicts Show’s First Character With LGBTQ Parents

Beloved animated children’s show Bluey has just dropped an episode revealing that one of the minor recurring characters has two moms. We never see the moms, however, and the rest of the episode actually dwells on a different-sex wedding. Here’s my look at the episode and how the show handles things.

GLAAD Media Awards 35

Mombian Nominated for “Outstanding Blog” GLAAD Media Award

I’m honored that Mombian has again been nominated for “Outstanding Blog” at the GLAAD Media Awards. I won the award in 2023 and 2012, and am humbled to again be among an amazing group of nominees. Here’s more on them and on the rapidly growing children’s and family categories.

Freadom: Songs Inspired by Banned Children’s Books

Listen: Kids’ Music Album Inspired by Banned Books Includes LGBTQ Favorites

The latest kids’ music album from Grammy Award winner Joanie Leeds takes a stand against book bans via songs inspired by banned books—and half of them are LGBTQ-inclusive titles you probably know! Listen here and watch the music video for “Tango,” inspired by the two-dad penguin tale.

A Holiday I Do

“A Holiday I Do” Is a Merry Queer-Mom Christmas Movie

‘Tis the season for holiday movies, and this year, we queer moms get a Christmas movie, too! Watch a trailer here for “A Holiday I Do,” about a single queer mom looking for love … and a Christmas miracle.

Collage of films about LGBTQ families

16 Films You Can Stream Now on the History of LGBTQ Families

As we close out LGBTQ History Month, I want to highlight some documentaries that look at the history of LGBTQ parents and our children and are available for streaming—several for free! Watch trailers, and in some cases, whole films, here.

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