
Norman the Mooing Puppy

A dog that moos? Norman the puppy doesn’t know why. He was just Born Different. This great new awareness campaign from the Denver-based Gill Foundation uses a light touch to get people thinking about the nature of sexual orientation. While the ads are aimed at adults, kids old enough to understand what sexual orientation is […]

C Is for Cookie

My son, like most preschoolers I know, goes through phases with his book, CD, and video interests. For the past few days, his video of choice has been Sesame Street’s Learning About Letters. I love this video. I was part of the first generation of children to grow up with Sesame Street, and many of

Activity Idea: Videotape Storytime

Here’s an easy activity idea: When grandparents, other relatives, or close friends come for a visit, videotape them reading stories to your child. You’ll soon compile a nice alternative to commercial videos for those times when your child insists on watching something. It’s a nice way to keep a family connection even when relatives live

Google Earth: Geography for Kids and Adults

Google has released version 4 of their amazing 3D mapping software, Google Earth. If you haven’t played around with it, I highly recommend giving it a try, especially if you have kids who are learning geography. “Fly” around the earth and see both satellite views and road maps. Overlay landmarks and geographic features. See 3D

“The Heart of the Game” Looks at Girls’ Basketball and Lives

The Heart of the Game, a new documentary about a Seattle girls’ high-school basketball team, opened yesterday in Los Angeles and New York. The film, an official selection of the Toronto Film Festival, looks fantastic, based on trailer and reviews. One of those worth getting a sitter for, rather than waiting for Netflix. It captures

k. d. Reintarnated

Speaking of entertainment that we consider “part of our personal LGBT experience,” k. d. lang has a new album that’s been out for just over a month. Reintarnation is a compilation of 19 songs from the first ten years of her career, plus one previously unreleased track. I’m not generally a country-western fan, but k.

Whose LGBT Experience Are We Talking About?

The June 20th Advocate features results of a reader survey about “experiences as LGBT Americans.” One item looked at entertainment that readers considered “part of their personal LGBT experience,” and listed Queer as Folk, The L Word, Madonna, Cher, Judy Garland, Barbra Streisand, and Christina Aguilera as possible answers. Yeah, right. I saw Judy Garland

New Report on Children and Television

An extensive study titled “The Media Family: Electronic Media in the Lives of Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers and Their Parents,” by the Kaiser Family Foundation, looks at television use among families with children six months to six years old. Among the findings: One third of children under six have a TV in their bedrooms. This rises

Mombian on The Gay Parenting Show

Scott Sherman recently interviewed me for his wonderful podcast, The Gay Parenting Show. If you’re not a regular listener, I urge you to hop over for a visit. My part is about 24 minutes into today’s show. You can also enjoy Scott’s discussion of his own family and their major upcoming event as well as

Rainy-Day Activity: Google Video

Here’s my latest rainy-day activity for a train-obsessed pre-schooler: Google Video, search: “locomotive”. You’ll find lots of short videos (many under three minutes) from around the world, showing all kinds of engines. Also works with fire trucks, horses, and pretty much anything else your child may be into. While there are good reasons to limit

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